The aim is to develop technologies for valorizing domestic legumes and cereals by extrusion. Develop new and innovative products based on consumer preferences. For this purpose, experiments with single protein sources and mixtures of protein sources, experiments on the effect of pre-fermentation on texture, taste and aroma are performed. The final and semi-finished products are subjected to sensory analysis, texture profile analysis and microscopic examination. Extrusion is used as a method because it increases the digestibility of plant proteins and starches and it is a flexible technology suitable for the preparation of various products.

The activity is being carried out by the Center of Food and Fermentation Technologies. The coordinator is Mari-Liis Tammik (
Publications in the Book of Abstracts of the conference „FoodBalt2021“:
Webinar on the 27th of April 2021:
- Presentation by Mari-Liis Tammik (pdf, in Estonian)
- Recording of the presentation (in Estonian)